
我哋嘅目標好簡單, 去搵最好嘅商戶同最好嘅優惠比你同埋你嘅朋友. (請鼓掌!)

係我哋嘅週圍有太多資訊, 成千上萬嘅商戶, 更有一大堆網站推銷一憶種優惠. 天啊, 邊有咁多時間去睇去搵適合我嘅呢!?

DayDEAL 因而誕生!

DayDEAL 推薦嘅都係有質數, 好食, 好玩, 好正嘅商戶. 仲有, 如果有足夠人數, 齊齊有抵 DEAL. 我哋只會推薦我哋自己都好想要嘅優惠比大家, 所以記佳講比至愛親朋知啦!

DayDEAL 日日反轉香港, 齊齊有抵DEAL!

About Us

DayDEAL.com.hk is one of the new marketing concepts that work both with the business owner and the customers. We work closely with business and create an unbeatable DEAL that our customers will love. We united the buying power to ensure all of our customers get the amazing DEALS.

We are also one of the customers ourselves; we love to spend our money wisely, whatever feature on DayDEAL, we make sure we will love to buy too.

DayDEAL is fun, efficient, simple, so people LOVE us.

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